I Will Take It

Mu Fan successfully fell asleep for two hours before he woke up to go to the Budokan. His work at the Budokan today was about to end since he was going to Chubby Harry's house tonight, so he went in early today to explain the situation to the Budokan's administration. 

When he entered the building, he was surprised to see an old face around — Man Kun. 

"Mr. Man Kun!? Morning! Your legs are better now?" Mu Fan knew that Man Kun was back to work, but he hadn't seen this funny big man around during work these days. He came in to ask for a day off, and he was happy to run into Man Kun coincidentally. 

"Mu Fan!" Man Kun, who had wide shoulders, wasn't in his all-black uniform like before; he was dressed up in a suit instead. He seemed more gentlemanly when he stood still, and it was hard to tell if there was any problem with his leg.

Man Kun was excited to see Mu Fan as well, and he smiled and said, "My leg is the same as before as long as I don't do vigorous activities. I'll be fine. The office logistics job is easier than before, and I really have to thank you for what you have done. If it wasn't because of you, I… Sigh!" 

Mu Fan smiled and waved his hand. Only speaking from this perspective, Young Master Wen still could do the right thing. 

When Mu Fan asked about Jereff, he was told that this old sandbag had quit his job, and he got a little sentimental.

This was reality; you would never know where the next turning point in life would lead you to. 

After saying goodbye to Man Kun, Mu Fan headed upstairs to explain the situation to Charison. Without a surprise, as the most popular practice partner and the most durable sandbag in the Budokan's history, Mu Fan easily got what he asked for. 

After everything was settled and eating the free lunch at the Budokan, Mu Fan decided to get himself another set of clothes. He had earned close to 6,000 star coins over the past few days, and he had to put emphasis on the event tonight since Harry invited him over to his house. He was also excited that he could finally get himself some nice clothes, a Skycom, and a micro-earphone as well. 

"Could this be Young Master Mu Fan?" A middle-aged man in a butler's suit bowed and greeted Mu Fan as he exited the Budokan. 

"Yes, I'm Mu Fan, and you are?" Mu Fan paused his steps and replied in a polite manner. 

"I was sent by Young Master Harry to deliver your Skycom. Please accept this as a gift, and Young Master also mentioned that he will contact you later today," the butler said as he passed on the dedicatedly wrapped package to Mu Fan, and he didn't act in any disrespectful manner because of how poorly Mu Fan was dressed. 

Harry wasn't joking about what he said. Mu Fan was touched as he received the Skycom and said, "Please convey my thanks to him. Thank you." 

"Then, I shall excuse myself, and I'll come to pick you up according to Young Master's instructions later." The butler bowed and left in a dark brown hover vehicle. 

Mu Fan opened the package and saw a small white Skycom lying inside. 

Harry is a good bro who keeps his promises, Mu Fan thought as he nodded. 

Mu Fan put away the Skycom and headed towards the tailor shop on the corner of 3rd Street. He had two things that he planned to get done today. 

The first one was to switch to another set of clothes. 

It was rare for him to pace around the city casually, and it didn't take him very long before he arrived in front of the Yi Zhi Sha Tailor Shop.

One could easily tell the level and class of this shop judging by the various hover vehicles parked at the door. Mu Fan stopped and looked around before he walked in with a good mood. 

The two female receptionists at the door furrowed their eyebrows as they wanted to stop this young man dressed in worn-out clothes. However, when they saw the young man walking towards them in a confident manner without any envy for the luxurious atmosphere around him, they couldn't reach out their arms to stop him. Mu Fan's eyes were indifferent as usual when he looked at the expensive clothing, and his expression didn't show a sign cowardice or fear; there was only solid confidence.

"Welcome!" The two female receptions couldn't help but bow and greet him after seeing his glistening eyes

Mu Fan nodded back with respect and walked inside in his worn-out but specially washed canvas clothes. The female store manager had a pair of golden rim glasses, and she was with a customer when Mu Fan walked in. Her eyebrows pinched together lightly when she saw Mu Fan appear, but she quickly returned to her usual state due to her professionalism. Then, she approached him with a smile. 

"Hello, Mister, what type of clothes are you looking for? All our clothes are made with the best material available in the city. We have all sorts of suits and nightgowns, but we don't seem to carry the style you have right now." The first half of her sentence was a polite introduction of the store, but the latter half pointed out that Mu Fan's style didn't fit this place in a clever manner. 

Em? Mu Fan raised his eyebrows and felt like he was seeing an illusion. After learning Dark Respiration in the PO Battle Network, he became extremely sensitive to his surroundings, and the minor changes on this woman's face didn't escape his eyes. 

He tilted his head and thought for a moment. Then, he put down a stack of money, 5,000 star coins to be exact, and smiled at the female manager. "I'm going to be attending a banquet tonight; please pick an outfit for me." 

The female manager secretly looked down on Mu Fan when she saw the 5,000 star coins; the use of cash was a sign of impoverished citizens. This was the most high-end tailor shop within District 22, and its main business was customized tailoring. All the clothes in the shop had price tags starting at 10,000 star coins. 

It was impossible to even buy a dress shirt with 5,000 star coins here. A girl who was comparing a white gown and another dress in the mirror had overheard Mu Fan and couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggle. 

How did the receptionists let him in? It's time for me to teach them again! Having thought that, the female manager smiled brighter as she said to Mu fan with more disdain in her eyes. "Sorry Sir, but I don't think the money is enough. The tailored clothes in our store are quite expensive. If you need an entire outfit, there should be another zero added to the value of this stack of money."

So, I still didn't earn enough. Mu Fan didn't care about the disdain in the female manager's eyes and asked in an indifferent manner, "It doesn't have to be tailored. Do you have those in your store?" 

"Of course we do. We have some extra male employee uniforms made of nice material. They cost more than 5,000 star coins, but if you want them, I'll sell you one for exactly 5,000. How's that, do you want it?" The female manager saw that Mu Fan didn't get her message, so she spoke in a more straightforward manner. If he wanted to buy clothes here, then he could purchase a uniform. 

The girl who was trying new clothes on the side couldn't even listen to her insulting language and interrupted with anger, "Is this how you treat your customers in the store?" 

Mu Fan only noticed the girl now. She was still in her white gown, and she looked slightly angry. Her eyebrows nicely outlined her delicate facial structures, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head, showing her clear forehead, slim neck, and the snow-white skin.

She is comforting to look at! The was Mu Fan's first time looking at a pretty girl from such a close distance, and that was the only thing that he could think of after trying to find a way to describe her. 

Well, Mu Fan wanted to continue looking at her, but he quickly shook his head to get back to his senses. What am I thinking?

Then, he looked at the girl as he nodded and smiled, showing appreciation. However, he didn't argue with the female manager but only smiled at her comment. 

The girl was slightly disappointed when she didn't see any trace of anger on Mu Fan face after being insulted. She thought that he had no pride as he didn't even look insulted. 

He wouldn't even stand up for himself! Whatever, this is boring. The girl felt disappointed and got prepared to leave as she put down the clothes. 

However, just when she was about to step out of the store, she heard a calm voice sounding behind her. "I'll take it; wrap it up." 

The girl raised her nicely done eyebrows and walked out without looking back