Chapter 20: Awakening [3]

'My apologies, Generals. For my unauthorised entry, but I believe it's worth it.' Prince Kazakhstan jaw was up as he came in.

This glorious chamber was made of white tiled walls at the four angles. Different huge flags were mounted at the four walls each denoting a specific purpose and at the wall opposite to the entrance was a raise platform akin to that of a throne. At the middle of this chamber was an 'O' shaped table. Capable of containing only five people.

This 'O' shaped table was occupied by the five generals of the five Kingdom's Forces. Currently discussing the uprising threats of the kingdom.

Recently, the general of the Seraphim Hands, General IronHand, made mention of the Selenōs Mantra being presently used in the kingdom. This was the matter that initially brought in all their concerns at first coupled with the issue concerning the Man-God. They were in a severe time, considering the fact that the Kingdom Lord, Kendzrich was not present: and now there were interrupted.

Curiosity drove in at the moment, they stared at this intruder with insanity. It took a moment to process the fact that this intruder was not a foe, despite they fact that they looked him in the face and knew his status.

'Prince Kazakhstan. What brings you here?' a man spoke. Seeing the other generals were lost in thought.

'The same reason for this summit.' Kazakhstan replied. 'Please, I don't wish to interrupt in anyway. Only to assist.'

'For a visit this impromptu, what assist do you wish to render?' the same general asked again. Unlike the rest, he was rather calm. Old and looking immaculate on his white full-plate body armour. He was General IronHand.

'There's nothing to delay. I've come to offer my help. Whatever has disturb the peace of your nation has done the same to mine. Fortunately, it's still present here. And I intend to make it that way.' Prince Kazakhstan replied.

'This disturbance you speak of—'

'The tremor. Yes. We felt it. Less severe than the earthquake here. Technically.' the Prince cut one of the general speech's off. A female general. She was just as old as General IronHand and wore a jade like armour. On her cape the word 'MoonWarriors' was inscribed on it.

'How's that even possible? What makes you think this earthquake isn't god-sent?' a male General asked immediately. This General had an elongated face. Brown mustache and a broad foreign accent.

'The noise. The noise before the earthquake. It was the cry of chaos.'

'You and your kingdom has little to worry about. The issue will be dissolved right away.' another female general added. Speaking at once and wishing the Prince would leave.

'I understand that is not the problem. Your Kingdom, whether you like it or not, needs our help.' Prince Kazakhstan said in concealed ire. 'Or don't you know what is happening? I felt an earthquake over a thousand mile away. This would devour your nation and later come to mine. I cannot allow that.'

The Generals respected the Prince's decision. But this was not the right way exercise clout. He couldn't just come into their land and like a tyrant want to help. If they needed help, they only had to ask. They had a lot on their hands now and would like to make proper decisions.

'When we want help, we'll request for one.' IronHand mentioned.

'If you do not want my help, I cannot ask more of it. But I would not leave this island untill this threat is averted.'

'Fine. We have enough on our hands now.' the General with the accent concluded.

'What could be more imparetive than the destruction of two nations?' asked Prince Kazakhstan.

'The appearance of the Selenōs Mantra in our kingdom, death of the Man-God now this unrelated earthquake. It's enough to make me forget we're allies.' IronHand spoke again.

Prince Kazakhstan face turned grim after he heard General IronHand call Man-God. 'Did you just say Man-God?'

'Haven't you heard. The host of his soul died. Now we have to kill him.' the MoonWarrior general explained.

'No I haven't heard. How can this be true if the Angel's Council haven't heard?!' the prince asked.

'What do you mean the Angel's Council hasn't heard. We were informed by the Council's Mercury.' the MoonWarrior general objected.

'If the Angel's Council did know. I would know! What is the meaning of this!' Prince Kazakhstan bellowed.

'Now you mentioned it. We're just as confused as you are.' a voice unexpectedly made it's entrance. Through out the discussion, the owner of this voice kept silent and watched like an owl. This general wore a banded black mail. Had a ponytail red hair and a scar that ran vertically through her left eyes, lashing her brows. This general, was Sentinel Morgan.

The Prince went mute after listening to Sentinel Morgan. He didn't know what he felt or why he did. Fact was, there was something that made him respect this woman. He knew it wasn't just her quietness but also her disposition. The Angel's Mercury, addressed as 'One Mercury' was responsible for the disseminating of information through out the continent instantaneously. She wasn't to leave without being told to by her superiors. This was also because she was a seer. A fortune teller. Leaving without authorisation to inform Xylem about the resurrection of the Man-God could only mean one thing, he was their problem. First.

'This means the Man-God is here. Present in your kingdom.' said the Prince.

'Unfortunately.' replied the general with the accent.

'I need to inform the Angel's Council at once.' the Prince said in a heist.

'We were told. Not the Council. Doesn't that count? You said you want to help. I hope you don't turned down the request now.' Sentinel Morgan spoke. Gazing at the thin air before her and ignoring all other attention to her. Her tone was smooth, calm and slow. Indicating she was almost unconcerned about the whole issue.

The Prince took in silent breath and continued, 'This is quite the opposite of my anticipations.'


Bobby opened the Energy Gate of his wrists, hoping this would give him a chance to break free from the sudden confinement. The Energy Gates in his subtle body spun with indefinite speed as he attempted to break free with his incalculable strength. But he couldn't.

It was like trying to shift a force he'd never encountered.

Mordecai tried weakening the joints of Vester with his self-defense attacks but doing that only undermined his bones. Vester's limbs were solid rock.

Their face turned white as they struggled to grasp in the limited air they could.

In the moment of death, Vester released them as fatigue started kicking in. He fell to his kneels while continuously panting for air. Same goes for the other two.

After a rather long series of coughing out loud and choking, Vester was the first to speak.


Bobby and Mordecai coward to the wall in fear. Trying as much as possible to fight back the unconsciousness surfacing in their eyes and also, to get as far away as possible from Vester.

'What… what happened? Where's he?!'

Where's who?! The only thing stopping these boys from running outside this instant and shouting for help was fear of the unknown.

Vester robbed his chest intensely in shock. The memories from his past began to erode his mind. He could remember running with Bobby when suddenly he blacked out and the last thing he saw was the disgusted look the bald man gave to him.

'I.. I.. don't. I don't understand. Am I dead?' asked the terrified Vester.

Mordecai's mouth was wide open. Bobby's expression wasn't much different. Only he was able to answer Vester by shaking his head.

SUBSEQUENTLY, they atmosphere became less dense. The room was arranged, the surrounding was quiet and of all, the three were next to each other.

Vester sat on the bed, Mordecai stood beside the bed and Bobby sat on the chair next to the bed. The two kept staring at Vester who kept his head down and also his eyes which were swollen from anger and agony. They had innumerable questions to ask but didn't know how to say it, how to put it or where to start from.

'How are you alive?' Mordecai broke the silence.

Vester was looking lifeless. He kept his head down and replied slowly, 'Did you…' he stopped momentarily when he remembered a scene, 'Avenge your mother?'

Mordecai heart dropped. His eyes started producing water. The first question Vester asked was about his revenge. He was strong. At least not to cry.'I.. I couldn't.'

'I'm sorry.' Vester's tone was filled with sorrow and disappointment. Mordecai turned his face around to avoid contact with him. And also to avoid producing tears.

When Vester looked at Bobby, joy filled his heart. He smiled to the extent his lips almost met with his eyes. 'You're okay.'

'Thank you.' Bobby said. Staring deeply into Vester's pupils. 'For coming back.' If wasn't for Vester, Bobby would've been the dead goat.

'What do we do now?' Mordecai asked facing the other way.

'We have to figure out why you're alive.' Bobby said.

'I have no idea how this... is happening.'

'It's okay Vester. The good thing is you're alright.' Bobby spoke while patting Vester's shoulder.

'What about the bad thing?'

'What are you talking about Mordecai?' Bobby stared at the back of Mordecai.

'Those… outlaws. They're still out there.'

'So what?! You're not thinking of going back there?!'

'We can't sit our asses down and in hope, everything would be alright! Those people are working for General Morgan! If they could kill children then what more could she do!' Mordecai lowered his voice, 'If we don't find out what's really going Bobby,' at this point he stared at Vester with pity, 'More of our friends would die.'

'We don't have that power to—!'

'Mordecai's right Bobby. We have to kill this motherfuckers.'