The Old Madam Li

As darkness hung in the sky, the white Alfa Romeo was already parked in front of Li Nuxie's house. The lights from the lamp posts flooded the streets. The door opened, revealing Li Nuxie wearing a dark green emerald dress which hugged her slender curves.

She took unhurried steps towards the car with her hips swaying lightly. Dao Ze has already opened the door when Li Nuxie reached where it was parked. Slightly nodding, she lowered herself at the back seat.

The car moved swiftly along the road. Luckily, they have narrowly avoided the rush hour. Looking outside, Li Nuxie remembered when her grandma personally fetched her at school years ago. She would hang out at her grandma's office for two hours before the two of them go home.

Li Chao never liked their grandma's office. He used to tell her that the office was akin to the Old Madam Li, intimidating. Li Nuxie closed her eyes, sighing softly.

Dao Ze, who was watching Li Nuxie thru the rear view mirror, cannot help but admire the Young Miss Li. It was her first time seeing Li Nuxie without her signature black-rimmed eyeglasses. With her closed eyes and slow heaving of her chest, Li Nuxie looked like she was sleeping. But Dao Ze knew better.

Closing her eyes was like a physical security for Li Nuxie. It was to deter people from approaching her. As the Young Miss Li, she grew up under tight security. She was homeschooled until sixteen. When she went to the university, a lot of people tried to befriend her just because of her surname. But the friends she can give up her life for can only be counted in one hand.

That includes Li Chanying and Hong Chi. Well, she somehow consider Su Mencha as her friend too. However, she was not just sure if Su Mencha will change after knowing her real identity.

Li Nuxie opened her eyes the moment the car stop vibrating. She wrinkled her eyebrows as she watched Dao Ze went out of the driver seat and opened the car door for her.

With eyebrow raised, she shot Dao Ze a look. "What? Did Grandma decided to demolish the ancestral house and build a new building?" She looked around, memorizing the surroundings as she remained seated. They were inside the Octagon Lifestyle Arena. It was developed five years ago according to Li Chanying. Her cousin was gushing about the Octagon Hotel, saying it was a one-of-a-kind type of architectural design.

The famous Octagon Hotel was owned by the Xu Family. It was her design.

Until it was stolen.

Her lips formed a straight line. She can feel the bile rising in her throat on the thought of it.

Dao Ze thought that Li Nuxie was unhappy of what happened. He cleared his throat. "The Old Madam called for an emergency meeting at the Li Headquarters. She thought it would be more convenient if the two of you meet at a nearby area."

Oh, right, she thought. Since the breakup of partnership between the Lis and the Yangs, the shares of Li Textile continue to slide down. Man, what a mess did Chao-ge left her.

Li Nuxie put her left leg on the ground first before going out of the car. Outside of the hotel, the people did not pay attention to the Alfa Romeo. After all, it is a common sight inside the Octagon Lifestyle Arena. However, when a lady in dark green emerald dress went out of the car, the people cannot help but stare. One woman who was a patron of the hotel whispered to a man on her side. "Who is she? I haven't seen her here in the past."

"Probably, a high-class escort," was the answer.

Dao Ze's eyes darkened when he heard it. As he took a stride towards the impertinent man to teach him a lesson, Li Nuxie waved her hand in a dismissive way.

"How many times do I have to tell you to work behind the scenes?" Li Nuxie glared at Dao Ze. He stopped moving. He wanted to argue but knowing Li Nuxie, he would not a stand a chance.

"Let's stop wasting our time, lead the way," she said.

The two of them went inside the hotel. Li Nuxie grimaced at the attention they have been getting from random guests and onlookers. She unconsciously touched her bob cut hair that was tucked behind her ears. Must be the headband, she thought. She was wearing a tiara-styled headband that accentuated her jet black hair. It was a gift from her grandma during her eighteenth birthday. But the truth was that it was her gait that pulled people. She just wasn't aware of it.

With decisive strides, they went straight to the elevator which exclusively catered to the guests going to the hotel's restaurant at the top floor. The elevator operator greeted them politely before pushing the button.

Upon reaching the 37th floor, the elevator door opened, revealing an alfresco dining setting. The area was illuminated with a faint purple light which provided backdrop to the waiters going back and forth.

The woman who was in charge of leading the arriving guests eyed Li Nuxie curiously. In her two years working at the restaurant, this was the first time she saw this woman. The woman was wearing a dark emerald knee length bodycon dress. But what caught her eye was the tiara headband on the woman's hair that definitely costs a fortune. She must be a mistress, the woman thought as she smirked.

"Welcome to the Octagon Restaurant. May I know your reservation, please?"

Li Nuxie eyed Dao Ze. She doesn't want to speak or her acidic tongue will incur casualty. The woman got irritated with the way Li Nuxie was behaving in front of her. Just a mistress and she dares to be arrogant, she thought. Hmmmp. If she didn't put this woman in her place, then she will not keep this job. Just wait and see.

"The Phoenix Room," Dao Ze answered stoically. Of course, he knew what the woman in front of them was thinking about the Young Miss.

"Come again?" The woman's eyes almost bulged when she heard it. The Phoenix Room is one of the two rooms which provided a 360 view of the city. It was on an elevated area of the restaurant and in a circular shape. The Phoenix Room can only be rented by close associates of the Xu Family or those who are closed in standing. So this woman was a mistress of a powerful CEO?

"How can you even retain your position if you can't even understand a simple statement like that?" A smile was hanging on Li Nuxie's face. The woman's blood rushed to her face as she clenched her fists which did not go unnoticed to Li Nuxie.

Some people were starting to look towards them. Some were even whispering to each other. Li Nuxie shook her head. She did not even spend more than 48 hours in City S and here she was, creating another commotion. What will her grandma say? Indeed, she might need Li Chanying's good luck charm whenever she was around Li Nuxie.

"I guess a mistress like you should know where to stand," the woman said after a while, contempt was clear in her eyes.

Dao Ze, who was about to rebut, left his mouth hanging before closing it again. The woman smiled complacently towards them with chin lifted up, as if winning a lottery jackpot.

"A mere waitress dares to insult someone who is under my protection? How bold," a firm voice rang out. The woman turned around harshly, her eyes widened. Not far from behind her was a woman in her late sixties wearing a black power suit. Her hair was tied in a French knot. She was holding a cane in her right hand. When the woman finally recognized the person, it was too late for redemption.

"O—Old Madam Li, I—I" the woman stuttered.

"Go to your manager and get your last pay. I don't pay money here just to be insulted," Li Jiayie crossed her arms.

"B—but Old Madam—" the woman tried to reason out; tears have been flowing in her tear ducts. Her mascara has become smudged all over her face. So different from the one who insulted Li Nuxie.

"Or perhaps you don't want to work for the rest of your life?" Li Jiayie further taunted the waitress. No one bullies her favorite granddaughter and gets away with it. Just like that, the woman scampered away from them.

Li Jiayie smiled at Li Nuxie. A flash of tenderness appeared in her eyes. "You are late," she scolded softly.

"But you still love me, grandma," she said as she gave her a peck on her cheeks.

Li Jiayie laughed. "Touché."