The Secret Weapon of Li Textile

The grandmother and granddaughter duo walked side by side in linked arms towards the Phoenix Room. Dao Ze who was following not far behind could not help but compared the two ladies of the Li Family. Among the Lis, only Li Nuxie can get closer with the Old Madam.

The Old Madam has never acknowledged Shu Rue, the Young Madam Li and Li Nuxie's mother. Although Shu Rue was a descendant of the Shu Family from the North, known for its valuable artistic contributions to the Country C's society and culture, she lacked the elegance of a noble woman.

Having spent her childhood in the countryside, Shu Rue knew how to plant corns but never to walk in high heels. She knew how to cook but never to entertain guests. She was a talented painter but never an eloquent speaker.

Li Nuxie was the total opposite of her mother. While she doesn't know how to plant corns, she strutted in stilettos as if she was born for the runway. Although she burnt the kitchen of the Li Ancestral House when she was fourteen, she had already completed the most coveted one-year program of School of Gastronomy from Country P.

Also, growing up under the tutelage of the Old Madam, Li Nuxie was trained to be a Young Madam of an equally powerful family in Country C. Of course, that includes organizing parties. Dao Ze's shoulders shook as he tried to suppress a laugh. He remembered when Li Nuxie organized her first ever party when she was twenty years old.

It was a masquerade ball and had been the talk of the town for a few months because of the manner it was carried out. All attendees are required to make their own masks and from them, Li Nuxie will select one winner each from men and women. The winner will have the opportunity to choose any painting he or she wanted from the private Shu painting collection. As expected, the high society went gaga over this as if they were going to a Black Friday Sale.

The thing was after she welcomed the guests, wearing her own design of black silver mask which covered her face symmetrically, Li Nuxie slipped like an eel in the middle of the night. The burden of entertaining the guests was then passed to Li Chanying.

Li Nuxie stopped walking when she heard something behind her back. She turned around and saw Dao Ze covering his mouth; trickles of sweat were visible on his face. "I hope you will not puke around here," she said before walking again.

Dao Ze's back went straight as he put his hands behind his back. Surely, the Young Miss' opinions always make him speechless.

Back to the Phoenix Room, the table was already set. From the inside, Li Nuxie casually glanced around as she put on the table her purse. She approached the glass wall and looked outside. The City S glittered in the middle of darkness.

"How was it?" Her grandma's voice resounded inside the room. Li Nuxie glanced at Li Jiayie before raising her thumb up.

Li Jiayie pulled a chair and sat. Despite being in the late sixties, she doesn't want people to do simple things for her like pulling a chair for her. "I know you love heights. That's why I decided to book this room."

Li Nuxie went behind her grandma and encircled her arms around Li Jiayie's shoulders from behind. "Grandma loves me best," she tightened her hug. She did really miss her grandmother after being away for a year.

"Hmmmp. Obviously, the feeling is not mutual," Li Jiayie clasped her hands onto Li Nuxie's arms. "You haven't even called me."

Flashing her teeth, Li Nuxie went in front of her and occupied a seat before signalling the waiter to start serving food. "It's not as if this is the first time I've done this."

Prominent lines have appeared between Li Jiayie's eyebrows. "You are just like your mother. Always travelling," she grimaced.

Li Nuxie just raised her shoulders. She doesn't want to argue with her grandmother minutes after seeing each other. After the waiter put the food on the table, the two of them started eating.

"I still prefer your hotpot," she said in between bites.

"Then why don't you go back home?" her grandma suggested.

Li Nuxie just smiled before putting a mackerel into Li Jiayie's bowl. Although she grew up in their ancestral house, it lacked the homey feeling. It feels empty.

Seeing that her granddaughter did not respond, Li Jiayie didn't pursue the topic further. Coercion has never work on her granddaughter. She, of all people knew that. Silence once again enveloped the room. Only the sound of utensils can be heard.

"How's the company?" Li Nuxie asked, throwing her grandma a glance.

"Getting by," she sighed. "Your brother messed up big time, Xiaoxie."

"It was not solely his fault, grandma," Li Nuxie defended her brother.

"That's not the point. He can't even control that Yang Lina," Li Jiayie put down her spoon and fork on the plate a little forcefully. Li Nuxie's jaw tightened.

"And that woman, she has the gall to cancel the engagement? She's just an illegitimate daughter without a strong backing. She should be happy that the Lis will accept her in the family," Li Jiayie continued.

Li Nuxie massaged her temples. "Grandma, she is still a Yang regardless of the circumstance of her birth."

"No matter what, I cannot allow that woman to be the next Young Madam of our family," Li Jiayie sneered.

"The engagement was already cancelled. Of course, she cannot be the Young Madam anymore," Li Nuxie reminded her grandma.

"But your brother continues to go after that woman," Li Jiayie retorted, her nose crinkling.

"Let him be. Our main goal anyway was how to salvage the Li Textile," Li Nuxie said as she wiped her mouth with a table napkin.

From across the table, Li Jiayie grasped her granddaughter's hand. She stared at Li Nuxie; something unknown flashed in her eyes then vanished. "I know you are full of innovative ideas, Xiaoxie," she took a deep breath. "But we need something concrete. You need to get married as soon as possible."

Li Nuxie pulled her hand. Her lips formed a straight line as she looked at her grandmother. "I hope you didn't arrange my marriage without my consent, grandma," a warning was clearly evident in her tone.

"I haven't," Li Jiayie paused, eyeing her. "Yet."

Li Nuxie smirked. As expected, her grandma has already planned ahead. "Well, let's hear it," she leaned back as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"It's the First Young Master of the Xu Family," Li Jiayie informed her.

She raised her eyebrow when she heard the name. Xu Family, eh? She suddenly remembered her encounter with the Old Madam of Xu Family.

"That's ambitious, grandma."

"You're a Li. Of course, you should be ambitious. I heard from my sources that Yang Lina broke the engagement because of that man."

Li Nuxie leaned forward. Now, that got her interested. "Being a mistress is not included in my to-do list."

Li Jiayie's voice resounded inside the room. With sharp eyes staring at her, her grandma said, "Regardless of whether they have a relationship or not, they are not married yet so you better make your move. Remember, it's the future of Li Textile we're discussing here."

Hearing Li Jiayie's justification, Li Nuxie's gaze went downward. She clenched her jaw. It seems that before she was Li Nuxie, she was Li Jiayie's granddaughter first who must sacrifice her own happiness for the so-called greater good.

Sometimes, she thought that her grandma allowed her to do whatever she wanted to do because at the end of the day, she will still serve her purpose as Li Textile's secret weapon.

She took a deep breath. "I'll think about it."

Li Jiayie narrowed her eyes. "Don't think. Just do it. I want results before the end of the week," she ordered Li Nuxie.

And just like that, Li Nuxie's grandma vanished and was replaced by the CEO of Li Textile.