Broken heart

She started walking aimlessly in the dark alleys, danger and fear lingered in the chilling air. Eerie sounds reverberated in the never ending narrow streets, yet she felt nothing, not even a little ounce of fear. She is already in deep abyss of agony and  her heart is aching in pain of infiniteness.

She never expected her life would undergo so many twists and turns in one single day. Let alone to think that it would happen on this day, the day when her dreams to have a perfect and prideful life is so close and around the corner.

She started feeling dizzy and blank after the series of shocking truths that dawned her corroded heart. Her so-called family whom she loved the most have never seen her as a family on the first place.  For them she is merely a insignificant outsider.

Now she realized that she is always an eye sore to them. They have always shown their reluctance clearly on their devilish yet pretentious faces ever since her parents deatg. But she was in deep love with her cunning family  to notice it. Taking it as granted tgey used her in all the ways they can and dumped her now. 

Meanwhile, her emotions are clearly agonized on her face that the persons who are standing far away can also say that sense her heart wrenching pain. Some of few persons passing by felt pity whereas some tried to make fun of her as she looked like cute lost puppy. 

But she didn't defend herself nor screamed her heart out, she just allowed them to bully her to their heart content. With the shocks she got, she is already exhausted to her core. So, when this people started making fun of her, she just fainted off.

They didn't touch her in any inappropriate manner. They just gave her some kicks and punches and as she is woman they went easy on her. After all, it  was what they are told to do. Laughing at her pitiful plight and had hit her last time before leaving her in eerie streets.

This didn't go unnoticed by the two strong black dressed persons following her from the start. They have been seeing her every move with amusement and with evil smile plastered on their faces. The pain she is experiencing is something which they are commanded to do so.

They are in cloud nine when they saw her bruised and feeble body, lying motionless and helplessly on the streets. When they made sure that she is physically and mentally drained, then they called their master to notify him about the heartwarming scene that would offer them a huge amount.

"Master that woman is fainted and we can confirm that she might not wake up at least for one week."

"Good, leave her there. But make sure she is in no position to reach the normal condition." A mysterious cold voice sent cold shiver down their spines.

"She will be distressed due to the events that happened on this fateful day and the people who were sent made sure that she is bullied to the extent that she might never break free from her trauma" they said in their submissive voice.

"Hmmm…. It feels fine. Take the photo of her plight and hand it over to me. I should cherish today's moments and we should also show the evidence of her downfall." A beautiful yet dangerous female voice from the other side startled the two persons.

They sighed together with relief after the call was ended. But they have never expected their innocent and kind madam to be so vicious.