They are so weak

After 10 minutes

The girl who was lying lifeless on the streets stood up as if nothing happened. The lost and helpless expression was nowhere seen on her beautiful face. The devilish smile which she is adorning now, was more alluring than her cute, innocent expression from before.

Her sea green eyes sparkled manancingly while the faint glint in her blazing eyes danced gloriously. No one would even believe that she was the same woman who was drowning in the desolation few minutes bak.

"They have thought that some punches and kicks were enough to make me succumb to them. Huh...why do they always have to underestimate me?" She thought in her head as she laughed sardonically, while her flawless face etched with devilish smirk

"My so called family has been acting good so far, but that was not as good as mine. They actually thought this childish play was enough to throw me into trauma. Dream on.. but I will show them what real trauma and sufferance feels like." She snarled under her breath as she cleaned the dust on her clothes. 

"Oooops.....these scumbgags are coming back. Which game so they wanna play now" she tapped her chin, waiting for them to approach her.

They have done whatever her uncle has said.  As they got paid now, they are now coming to complete their unfinished business. How could they leave such a beauty that too without tasting her??

As she saw the lust filling their dark eyes, her hand itched to shred the stupid grin plastered to their face. After seeing the persons who bullied her coming back she knew what they wanted. But she is in no mood to pretend like a innocent, good for nothing, fallen princess. 

Right now, she want to unleash all the anger and the fire that was building up in her raging heart. 

As the men clsed in, they indeed felt the cold and dominating aura engulfing them. The mysterious and dangerous smile plastered to her face, made them shiver subconsciously. But their instincts kicked in and their expressions changed to anger.

How could they let them get scared by a mere woman infront of them!!

Never in their life they felt inferior...but now it is something more different, their hearts are thumping loud and urging them to accept their submission to her. It is like they could feel some bad premotion...

"Girl, be obidient or else, we will not go easy on you," one of them said it loudly while others started laughing. They are men, how can they show their fear to mere woman who is barely twenty three years old.

But at the same time, how can they ignore her when she is looking at them like they are her prey ready to-be feasted on??

Unfortunately they didn't know who she really is. If they would have really known about her and the people backing her, they might have never ever agreed to this offer to subdue her.

After all, what will be more precious than life if you are facing a death itself, which is disguised in human form..

"Didn't you hear what we said or do you need us to bully you again in other way" one of them smirked. Little did he knew, his life will be living hell from now on...

"Bully me... if you really are men. I will see if you can dare to even touch me" She boomed with mockery. Fighting them is really fun for her....

"Ahh..sorry to tell. But what you guys did to me is not called bullying, it is merely a child tease. If you want to know how bullying feels like. Shoot on... I am all free here, till my ride arrives. But be quick little kids I have many other things to attend" she winked at them playfully while she moved her hands on to her hips, feeling bored.

"How dare you, girl? You are as good as dead in my hands for calling us kids" one of them advanced toward her with knife in his hand.

What happened next is something they didn't expect from this fragile looking woman. She sprinted little far from them before taking out some daggers sturdly from her dress. With lightening speed, she threw the daggers towards them, aiming so accurately to hit directly in their abdomen.

And this made them paralyzed because of the poison applied on the edges of it. 

While this woman attacked their friends with her eyes brimming with bloodlust, other two people who were lurking in the shadows ran towards her with enraged ferocity.

But only to get hit by her with the same brutal force. She pinned one of them against the ground before showering him with the series of strong punches and kicks. Meanwhile, a dagger hit the other person on arm as he cried for mercy but soon fainted like his friend. 

"Nah!! I didn't enjoy much. These kids are too weak . How can they even faint just to my delicate kicks. Having such a huge bodies is simply no use. They needs proper training" she flaunted dramatically.

"It is your strength, Jean. Of course your capabilities are in no way comparable to these dogs" a strong and gentle voice came from behind her. He was the one who has hit the last person with dagger. 

The girl named Jean, turned at the source of voice and smiled brightly at him. She is happy that her pplan went on perfectly. Her uncle family was thinking that she is the ultimate looser, but little they knew that thsy are merely some pawns in her game.

Meanwhile, Nathan, a tall and well built handsome person leaned against the wall approached her. He was there, right from the time when these people started attacking his little sister. But he knows that she can handle this people like a flick of her fingers. But he shot the last person with dagger because he was very bored!!

"Wow, my ride is here. Let's go back brother. I have some tempting plans to bankrupt my family," Jean jumped excitedly before she hugged her brother. She sounded as if she planned this day from long back.

But, who is she? Of course, not a weak and easily manipulated person, who she once was... 

Who would have thought that five years will make this girl completely different and exactly opposite from what she was. And who would have imagined that this pitiful girl would blossom into genius who is feared and admired by most.

It is obvious that her outwitted family don't know about this newly brewed enemy who was their puppet not very long back.

"Storm wil change into blizzard my dear family. You started it but I will be the one to shatter you into million pieces for what you did to my parents." She swored as she entered her chopper that is waiting for her.

The people who are beaten black and blue by her are now chained away and were taken to the base by her people.