I am doomed

Because of all the acting Jean has done in front of her so-called family, she was very exhausted. so, as soon as her head hit the comfy cushions i her chopper, she drifted into deep slumber. The humming from the helicopters is like a lullaby and she vaguely remembered being enveloped in wool blanket by Nathan.

He is more than a friend to her, who treats her like his own little sister. Despite of the fact that she is little more capable than him in many aspects, he still cares for her as if she is still a child.

Most of the persons known her as cold and aloof person but only few of them have seen her in her most vulnerable state. So, whoever has seen the real her, they always reat her as a fragile one.

Even though it is rare for her to she show her weak side, but when the agony from her past surfaces she will be the most delicate and sensitive woman by heart and by her mind. After all, the trauma she faced in her childhod is not any less to forget soon. 

Deep down in her heart the wounds are still fresh and they have never stopped bleeding. The scars that would never fade, still afflict her will power.

After few minutes.....

She is woken up by her brother, Nathan, as soon as they landed on one of the private island owned by her and her friends.  They are the one's who filled her life with new hope and they are her new family who care for her and values her in a same way she does.

As this is working day not a weekend, none of her friends are present in the villa. It is only Nathan and Jean.

Both of them went into the mansion unhurriedly, talking about their own companies. As Nathan has boards meeting to attend, he soon got ready to go back. Meanwhile, Jean just lazed on the couch waiting for him to prepare her food. 

She would have prepared but she is restricted by her overprotective brothers and boyfriebd to enter the kitchen. However, she is already used to this pampering.

Nathan made her brunch while jean chatted with him about random stuff. Later, he coaxed her to sleep just like a brother who spoil his baby sister. It was always like this, she is pampered rotten and is cared very dearly. This is something she has been craving since her parents death and as said, she deserves it. 

Later, Nathan cooked her lunch and handed her migraine medicines after lecturing her to take care of her heath.

 "Baby sis, don't worry about anything all right. You will be safe and I promise that I won't even let them approach you". Nathan smiled at his sister, his face brimming with sincerity and love as he looked directly into her dozy and misty eyes.

"I don't need your help bro, I am far from capable to protect myself from those devils. I already got accustomed to their scemes and the pain they inflict in me, by the way you I forgot to remind you. you are the one who have to protect yourself from tonight's dinner," Jean smirked as her eyes drastically changed from gllomy to mischievous as she reminded him.

"God show mercy, ahh.....how can i forget that today is friday. I am definitely doomed. Sisso, I will not come back today, so... please, please tell them that I have business meeting to attend and that I wont be able to make it" Nathan pleaded as his face drenched with fear as if it is end of the world.

And, of course, he must be scared and worried

If he is human then he should definitely fear toights dinner which will be cooked by the well-known chefs of their little family, Daisy and Aria. That are very renowned for their disastrous dishes and to his pity, Nathan should be even more afraid because he will be their Guinea pig to taste everything they make.

"You wouldn't dare to escape, my brother, because if you don't come by tonight, I will disclose your confidential crush on Aria." Jean teased. 

Her blackmail worked so well that Nathan didn't even protest nor he glared back at her. He could only grumble some curses on his way back to chopper.

Jean happily laughed and soon she dozed off.  The beautiful smile never left her face as she slept in the soothing comfort of her home.

And, her home is where her friends are.