
Jean and Scott are having their lunch, which is prepared by Scott. Jean is enjoying every ounce of it and looked very satisfied. Scott is also happy to see his baby girl enjoying. His hard work is worth of it.

He calls Jean as his baby girl when she looks cute and adorable. He gave her this name because she gets pleased so easily, even by very simple affections.

They are spending their couple time as he cuddled her in his arms like she is a small child while they are seeing their favorite movie. Feeling full and contended Jean dozed off into sleep.

He smiled as he saw her plight, she ate so much that she dozed off. He is little disappointed that he have to go now, it really became so tough for him to balance both his personal and career life after he met her. She is just like a drug to which he is slowly getting addicted to.

He is having a board meeting to attend in one hour and he must go. He sighed and took her to their bedroom and tucked her in bed. He kissed her forehead and stayed kissing her like that for a while.

After feeling content, Hey instructed his butler and maids not to disturb his fiancée and then left very reluctantly.

Later Jean was woken up because of a phone call from her sister. She smiled maliciously thinking how drama is going to begin now.


Adam Grey went to his home brimming with energy. He informed them about the incident and all of them are in cloud nine, mainly his daughter Cassandra Grey.

Her imaginations and dreams ran wild in her mind, though she is bethroted to other man she didn't care. She is truly mesmerized by his charms..

"Cass you have to pursue him and trap him in your love, it doesn't matter what you are going to do. Leave all your office work to our lowly employees, they are paid to do our work. So your main priority is Scott Summer, did you get it," her mother Vanessa Grey said in her bossy voice.

Even her father nodded in approval to his wife. Though he knew it is not right to pursue another man when her engagement was already fixed, he is greedy enough to gain more and more.

When three of them are on same train of thoughts of dreaming about the profits they will be getting. Adam's mobile rang. It is from Mr. Kim. The selection has been done and list was sent to his email.

All three of them sat and opened his email.

They felt happy to see that Cassandra is in charge as per his request. The people who got selected to work under this project are Jamie Chi, Hannah Miner and Jean grey. They will be leading the three teams under Cassandra.

The other person is Ethan under whom other three teams from Cyphers will be working. Ethan and Cassandra have to report to Mr. Kim who will further talk to CEO. Each team has twenty members with neck to neck competitive spirit.

As they noticed Jean as one of the member they frowned annoyingly. "Who selected that bitch, Dad. How can she be selected. Ask them to remove her now. You know I feel disgusted by her lowly sight right," Cassandra yelled.

"Sorry Cass, I can't do that from now on. You all will be working only under Cyphers from now on, so I don't have power to fulfill all your wishes. And also be careful, don't underestimate your sister, she is a hidden genius," her father yelled back.

He couldn't help but worry about when his daughter will matatured..