
She is envious of Jean who was always loved and doted by elders since her childhood. Her parents pampered her to no end.

Besides this, she is also topper in every grade of her school. She is often praised for her intelligence and high IQ. Jean is also very beautiful and always attracted many boys on whom Cass use to have crush.

Jean was given everything till her parents died. After her parents death everything was snatched away from her. She was also used by her family in every ways they could.

After seeing her pitiful condition Cassandra became at ease. But to her distraught Jean got selected into many prestigious colleges, magically she again started to achieve many awards at all the college levels. She also became incredibly good in sports.

In that span of time of being in abroad Jean molded herself back into strong and determined girl. She started gaining back her glory and love from the family.

This made Cass even more jealous for the way her sister was being treated like a queen. But Jean got struck in on of the scandal and was again sent to another country... shattered and broken.

Grey's cut all her expenses leaving her to live on her own.. it is indeed tough path, but that is also her turning is when she met Scott and her brothers..


"Her coding skills are extraordinary and she is expert in both the fields. She will be helpful, all we have to do is ask," her mother said to stop Cass from doing something embarrassing.

"Wait until this project completes and then we will sue her. We will get her to marry that Jasor Keller who is famous for being monstrous and dangerous," her father laughed heartily.

Soon Cassandra's anger began to subside. She will be marrying Scott Summers, the most handsome and rich CEO in higher business families. And her sister will be marrying a person with extremely dangerous reputation.

Cass got excited to share the news with her friends who will die with jealousy. So she arranged dinner party for her friends.

"Call Jean. Be patient and say some sweet words to her so she will be under tip of your fingers." her father suggested her.

"Now we have to head back to the company and announce this. When you call Jean don't forget to ask her to attend the meeting. Later you both can leave directly for dinner." Adam patted his daughter lovingly.

Cassandra dialed Jean's number with frustration. But when Jean picked up the call, her words became soft but sarcastic.

"Hello.." a sleepy voice was heard from Jean's side.

"Sister you are sleeping. Don't you have to be in office," Casandra smirked.

" No Cass, I am on leave today," Jean replied.

"Sister our company got approved by Cyphers and we both are selected to work with them." Cassandra said boringly.

"It is good Cass we will have huge profit. Congratulate uncle on behalf of me,"

Jean said casually but smirked internally. It will be superb fun to watch the drama her sister will make..

"Sister we will be holding a meeting and success party later. And after that we should also have to go for dinner with friends." Cassandra said.

" Okay I will be there by four, bye." Jean replied unhappily. She wants to spend time with Scott but...

"Bye sis." Cassandra smiled devilishly. She has a special treat prepared only for her sister.