Eating vinegar

After Jean informed Scott about her plan for dinner, she calmly drove back to the main office. The environment looked lively and happy with everyone engrossed in talking about the partnership.

Jean smiled at every one politely and went to the top floor where CEO's office is located. When she entered her uncle, Cassandra and her aunt are sitting in lounge talking about something quietly.

Their devilish and thinking eyes didn't go unnoticed by her, but like everytime she has to act like they don't disgust her and she don't care though they do. Suppressing her anger and urge to choke them to death, she smiled at them.

"Jean darling you are back. How was your trip and where did you go, I thought you don't have much money. You said you are saving money to buy a house to live on," her aunt started blabbering.

"Yes, auntie, I am indeed saving for house. But after what happened in party last friday I thought I need a break. So I went to my friends house in suburbs."

"Oh...poor girl. Cass went to Hawaii for this weekend. If we had known that you are feeling low, we would have asked her to take you also." Vanessa acted so generous while Cassandra let out a small laugh.

"Yeah sis, my friend cancelled in last moment. And it was economic class she thought of booking. May be you could have afforded it," Cass said as she smirked.

Jean rolled her eyes internally.

Little her sister knows that Jean have a private island near by to Hawaii...

"Sis where will you buy a house? It is pretty costly here," Cass asked in feign concerned voice.

"I am not thinking to buy it in city. I want a place somewhere peaceful and less populated."

Jean already have a villa bigger than Grey mansion, that too in the most costliest place in the city. So far only her house is completed and other six houses are still in construction. Of course those only belongs to her dearest friends.

Moreover, Jean couldn't say that she and Scott are already to having own island to build a house for themselves, which will be completed by their marriage. They didn't talk about this with anyone not even to their friends.

"Enough of chitchat, meeting is going to start. Jean you know what you have to do," her uncle sounded angry.

No one in company knows Jean's true identity. She is a common employee working for payday. They know her as CEO's daughter's friend who entered company through backdoor but not by her skills. Later some acknowledged her as professional but some still takes her as a rookie.

After the meeting they had a success party and everyone congratulated the team. Later Jean went for dinner with Cassandra and her spoiled Richie rich friend. As like always they reserved one of the most expensive hotel, and that belongs to Herren's family(Nathan's family)

Cass's friends are overly excited and all were dressed in flashy clothes with thick make up covering their faces. Jean like always looked so elegant and exquisite in her simple and professional black suit. Most of the male friends of Cassandra are paying their unwavering attention shifted to Jean. instantly making their female partners die with jealousy...

If looks can kill, Jean's death would be the most ruthless murder by now .

Unable to suppress her jealousy anymore Cassandra spoke with despise , "Sis you can eat whatever you want. Don't hesitate about the bill. It is on me, I know you are in tight condition now," Cass pitied.

"Of course sis, I will." Jean replied.

"Jean, um..if you don't mind can I have your number." One of Cass's male friend asked Jean.

"No, Jean can we meet tomorrow for dinner or at least coffee," other one asked.

"I know a place where food will be awesome. I will book for us, if you agree. It is pretty costly there and we have to book fast so when should I book," the first person asked again glaring at his love rival.

"Both of you stop, my sis have to come back to work. As a higher up I will not let her take a leave. We have to head back to Cyphers main branch tomorrow," Cass shouted back with jealousy. Why does her own friends never ask her like this.....she is also a beauty

"What?.. You are working with Cyphers. That's unbelievable, you are awesome Cass. Really your company has hit the jackpot," one of the girl squealed .

"Hey Cass, I heard that CEO of Cyphers is damn hot and handsome. Did you see him?" someone asked.

"Of course, I saw. He came to my family party on Saturday." She beamed. "Hey is very sexy" she bit her lip and blushed.

Jean almost spilled her juice but controlled herself, How can she not get jealous when others are admiring her fiancee's charming body. If he knows he will be in cloud nine for making Jean jealous.

"Wow Cass, it is so cool maybe he is interested in you. He never accepted any invitations" one of the girl squealed hugging Cass's shoulders.

Cass blushed and smiled shyly. "Maybe…." She trailed back into dreaming. Now it is Jean's time to roll her eyes.

One of the boy came and sat close to Jean. He rubbed his shoulders to Jean's arm deliberately. Every time she retreated, he became more desperate and moved close to her. Unable to control anymore he pulled her near him.

No one saw the three male god's sitting opposite to them, fuming with anger and rage. Scott is eating tons and tons of vinegar while he tried to control his urge to cut that person's hands on his girlfriend. Nathan and David were trying hard not to hit the person who touched their precious baby sister inappropriately.