Much more to face

A lot happened by the end of the day.

Aria's exposure, murder attempt, revealing their photos, disclosure of Jean's influence and power, warning to kill Aria and much more.

All this hindrances are because of one person. About whom they didn't even have one hint.

This is totally related to killing Aria but Jean and Scott still have a part of responsibility to take. After all this is related to their past…..

In the other side….

Jean is now the director and share holder in her father's company. She surely will have very hard time to stabilize her position.

Her uncle will surely use all his influence to defame her and taunt her. She will be entering his domain now....

When it comes to project with cyphers she have to tolerate Jasor until he is use to her plan to throw Vanessa out of the family.

She should provoke him and manipulate him to turn against her aunt and reveal her wicked plans infront of all the family.