We have a plan

Aria came back sound and safe but she got affected with trauma. She was sleeping when the jet landed under tight security and she got escorted by Nathan to his ancestral home.

The paparazzi who are unaware of the recent incident became so excited to see lovey – dovey couple. They rushed to ask their questions after seeing Aria sleeping in Nathan arms and Scott closely followed them with his guards to protect his friends.

The high class jet on the run way didn't go unnoticed by the reporters. They yet have to know more about Scott's girlfriend who is very influenced. Though they tried so hard to find her they didn't even succeed one by millionth part.

The rumors and false assumptions by the netizens increased hour by hour. Reporters waited at Cyphers for Scott's arrival which didn't happen.

Jean also took a day off to spend with Aria but later decided to give some time for Nathan to spend with her. Hopefully they clear this issue.