She is changing him

Scott went back to his penthouse after talking with Nathan. When he is about to enter the code Jasor rushed into the elevator taking him in surprise.

He didn't expect him in here.

" Which floor Mr. Keller" Scott asked casually. It will be trouble some to have him here.

Jasor stared at the cold man beside him. He couldn't ascertain why he feels inferior compared to Scott. He is terrifying and extremely calm making Jasor shiver.

"Penthouse beside yours Mr. Summers"

Scott frowned while listening to his words. Didn't Nathan said that it will be only allotted to next biggest investor. But it should be technically vacant because there is no such company which invested more after him. The expenditure is very much high to bear.

"Mr. Summers I convinced some of investors to pass their contract with this project to me. So basically I will be living as your neighbor." Jasor explained with pride.

Scott's face is indifferent. "Hmm.." he didn't say anything but simply nodded his head.