I should be the one who is sorry

By the time Scott finished cooking all the favorite dishes of Jean his mother also made various fruit dishes and salads to make Jean more nurture.

He didn't even see Jean after returning back from work because his mother didn't allow him to even step into the room. She had also given him big lecture for acting out of impulse and tiring out Jean like that. How can Jean say everything to his mother like that….

Scott slowly tiptoed to the room when his mother became engrossed in talking to their family doctor. She got to know that her daughter in law is easily attacked by fatigue and migraine. So she is worried about her….

Jean is sleeping deeply curled up like a ball. Her eyebrows are creased as if she is having bad dream and her eyes part is little moist indicating that she had cried not long back. She is also clutching blanket tightly that wrinkles can be clearly seen on the fabric.