Over pampered

After like two or three hours Scott's mother sneaked in as she grinned seeing them together. They both are perfect match made in heaven in her eyes.

She couldn't help but snap a picture and trap this cheesy moment in her mobile. Though she didn't have heart to wake up this lovely couple who snuggled into each other as if there is no tomorrow they still have to eat.

More over Jean is pretty exhausted and also showed some signs of fever. She should be also feeling hungry after such a exhaustive day that made her worn out both mentally as well as physically.

" Excuse me love birds for disturbing you. But this is dinner time for you both so you can get energy for-"she stopped whispering to the sleeping couple when Scott opened his sleepy eyes.

"What are you blabbering Mrs. Summers. There is no need to ask me separately for this. Think this as granted Ok. Now let us sleep" He winked at his mother.