They are couple

Jasor went back to his house just to realize that he has nothing to eat nor to cook. If he couldn't make dinner for her then he just want to meet her and see her beautiful face

When he is in his way to her flat his phone ringed making from frown by seeing the id. seeing the ID before taking the call.

" Keller did you forgot that elder will be visiting our weapon bases today night. If you won't be there with them during then they will surely rip you into pieces. Come fast" the call got ended as soon as last word was spoken.

Jasor sighed exhaustedly. How could he forget about assault in main base that framed him and is now torturing him. He looked sadly at Jean's door.

Two steps and he could see her beautiful face. Seeing her is enough for him to wipe out all the heaviness of his heart and it is like she is cure for his sufferance.

He rushed to her door and banged it urgently. Seeing her face is enough….. He is so desperate to meet her for unknown reason.