You are under arrest

Jean face momentarily paled. "Didn't I say things will only get worse…" she muttered to herself.

She was afraid how things would turn into. What if Raymond reject her. The audio is of before Kiara died. She humiliated him in many ways and even tried to sue him. After all her revenge plan also consist of getting justice for what he did.

"First of all we should escort you somewhere Ms. Grey." Scott looked indifferent with his stoic face and his voice is as usual cold as if he is not at all bothered about sobbing woman in front of him.

" Sir, Residences is better. As they got to know I am not staying there they will not come back" Jean choked her words as if she is feared by her boss.

" As you wish Ms. Grey. Ethan take Ms. Grey back to her flat through the hidden back exit and come back you have work to submit by tomorrow."