What the hell is happening here

"Ms. Grey you are under arrest as a primary suspect of planned murder of your sister. We found solid evidences of your involvement" Cops said as it is matter of fact.

Jean is confused with what she listened and she couldn't comprehend what is happening. She just went through a heavy blizzard that drained out all her mental and physical strength. Now she has other hassle to face….

But she knew that she should keep her tough face to control this issue until she find out the loop holes in her sister's smart plan.

" Sir, may I know what I has done to become your primary suspect. I think as per some of the rules I know a person will have authority to know why they are getting arrested."

Her voice is so strong and determined that she didn't flinch or fumble with her words. As per the psychology the culprit should at least be nervous. She know that she already passed the first test.