let us start our Rayline operation (Raymond – Seline) then

Jean rolled her eyes as she glared at siblings who are now having their intense glaring fight going on between them. Her friend is really so feisty, weird and some times extra cute.

Scott sighed at last. "Fine…don't start your kitten drama. You can kiss her, hug her and be with her. But help me when it comes to dad, I mean when I introduce her" Scott asked his twin seriously.

"Oh… about that. Our dad had already saw both of yours PDA pics that mom and Shawn sent to me. I has been his spy from so long. By the way Jean, he said your eyes are so attractive. Do you know bro, he even complimented that my Jean is more good looking than you."

Scott is yet to eat more vinegar now and Jean can already something sore…..

Seline eyes twinkled as she reminisced how excited her father became after knowing about Jean. He thought his son is gay, after all, the blind dates he arranged for his son are simply a disasters that girls would cry that he gave them cold shoulder.