Ray and Sally the best couple??

Adam POV

It is early in the morning and all the family members of Grey's except for Jean and Daniel all are present around the dining table.

" Where is Jean" Elena asked casually. She know that her niece is now the vice CEO of the company and she felt proud of her…

But Adam and her husband would not let go of her that easily. She never understood why her husband is so repulsive on Jean. When Sophia (Jean's mother) entered the family he had been little different and weird.

It is like he was afraid of her and so cautious around her. He never use to let his guard down in her presence and use to be so observant like a hawk. Even after she died he had been like that… as if he is searching for something.

"Jean is in vacation with her husband" Adam throwed the bomb. And that made others to gawk at him.

Her grandparents knows she is with Scott but how could she marry him all in sudden that too without informing them. Their little princess is becoming more secretive day by day.