No company can defeat INA and Cyphers.

Adam POV

After Daniel came back the atmosphere in the mansion lightened up with delightful celebration. As Daniel is the first child of the generation he is usually given special treatment since his childhood.

Except for Vanessa and Cassandra all are genuinely happy that he returned back. But Elena's decision to confess to Jean is what that is bothering Adam, he don't want Jean to return back to family with same glory she use to have before.

But Adam is more anxious because other reason, today will be the day the almighty company INA would select the company with which it has to work. As they are making their entry into software field many of the big corporations are under competition for their fortune to work with INA.

Adam handled this project personally and very seriously. Given with his critical condition in company if they looses this project it would be tough for him to continue in his position. So this project will decide his fate in company….