Are you married

" Oh… I mean.. Hello" Jean tried very hard not to laugh at his introduction. Of course she knew it is him but the way he gritted his teeth made her very amused for unknown reason.

"Do you know that we have been calling you since yesterday night. How can you be so irresponsible when it comes to company" Adam started to lash out his anger taking the advantage that her husband is not beside her.

But to his distraught Scott who just entered the tent listened his yelling and his eyes instantly darkened with dangerous glint.

"Honey…why did you come in. Is there something you want" Jean asked hurriedly, she don't want Scott to interfere more into this

"Hmm.. did I listen someone yelling at you" his voice is deadly dangerous and brimmed with seriousness.

Adam's limbs went numb as if he got shocked with thousands volts of current. His voice is literally like that of Anubis.

"No, It is nothing. Go and wait for me I will be there shortly." Jean pretended to plead him.