Missing thread

"Eeeeekkkkk" Seline screamed loudly at the scene enfolded in front of her. Her face and neck turned as red as ripe tomato while she subconsciously covered her eyes with her fingers but peeked from the gaps in between them to see the hilarious view.

Where as the Scott acted as if he didn't see the intruder but his kisses became more quick and rough. Jean just rolled her eyes while gripping Scott's shoulders tightly, but as soon as she listened some other person is coming into room she instantly pushed Scott away with all her might. Then she hurriedly went into bathroom.

Scott frowned at his sister while looking at receding figure of his woman. "You, don't you have manners. Don't you know that you should knock the door before entering. Do you know-"

Then he saw his mother who is glaring at two of them. She sprinted in to the room after listening to her daughters scream.

"You, come out with me. NOW" Susan scolded her daughter and dragged her forcefully to the door.