First time ever you are looking so womanish.

Scott couldn't help but feel powerless. He didn't know what to say, all he could do now is to wreck his mind for a chance to escape this conversation.

"Oh shit, I forgot to give medicines to Jean. They should be given after one hour of dinner, I better go now" Scott kissed his mother's cheek ruefully "I am very sorry mom, this will never ever happen again. I promise" he looked into her tearful eyes and his heart ached for being like that. After Jean came into his life his concern and caring nature became exclusively for her and he forgot to think how his mother would feel.

"It's Okay, I understand that you didn't do it intentionally and I am also in mistake there. I should have expressed my feelings rather than hiding them. Go, now and sleep. Jean would be feeling cold without you" Susan smiled at her son but Scott could see that she is still upset. He will make it up to her.

"Thank you mom" Scott didn't know what to talk further so he sprinted out of the room.