Give me your granddaughter. I want to marry her here and now

Meanwhile Cassandra came downstairs with other four cousins tailing her up, she is wearing a limited edition prom white dress giving innocent and sensitive vibe. She wants to look delicate to get sympathy over her sister.

Then her grandparents came down followed by Elena and Adam with their spouses. Everyone stood up and bowed to the only two elders of the family while Adam glared at Jean.

But her grandparents didn't acknowledge others who wished them and strode towards Jean. Then they pulled her into tight and sweet hug. Leaving others in their stunned and stupefied position…this is a big shock to their eyes. They never expected Jean to enter the family again with the same glory she had before.

Back then, all the attention and love of the family belonged to her solely. She is like a prized possession of the Elder's. Until her parents death..