This is impossible, Jean saved her grandfather in a blink of eye....

Jean stared indifferently at the documents with disinterest. Her eyes are full of disgust and hate. She could ascertain that Jasor has something to do with the poisoning incident. She didn't expect that he would go to this extent, it's been only few minutes that she has reunited with her grandparents. How could he do this..

"Ms. Grey, the more you delay the more his life will be at stake" Jasor smirked at her.

Others are beyond shocked to understand what is going on. It took them few minutes to comprehend the situation.

"Jean, your grandfather is dying there. This is just a marriage contract and later you will also have many chances to divorce him. Please sign it." Adam pleaded with his niece, his voice is full of concern and sorrow. He sounds genuine.

In mean while her grandfather got escorted to hospital by the medical team. Ten minutes passed after he got shifted in hospital and time is ticking rather easily against their pleading.