This is just a start of his destruction

"Mia, dear. You look so tired, is my feisty granddaughter pestering you again" her grandfather laughed heartily.

"Oh.. No, grandfather don't say it loud. She has ears everywhere, if she listens I will be as good as dead" Mia joked yet her words sounded real.

"Girl, she will not dare if I back you up. What did she do now Huh.." her grandfather asked teasingly.

"Not much, Her mood swings due to her migraine is now impacting us. Her anger has no peaks" Mia sighed thinking how fierce and impatient Jean became.

"Hmm…I hope she is being taken care of by her lover and her brothers" Elder Grey scratched his bandage sadly.

"Grandfather, they are torturing her enough till she completes her meal and take medicines. Against four of them she is powerless and obedient, otherwise we might be having very hard time with her"

Mia glanced at bandage and sighed. "I wonder what will you do to the person who caused this. I pity them, for what Jean might do"