A queen...

Adam unhurriedly opened his laptop, whatever she might have sent can be easily countered back. She is indeed genius but according to him to withstand this ruthless business field she also needed experience as well as manipulating mind. Which she clearly don't have…

As soon as new notification popped up he excitedly opened it. His smirk drastically differed to frown. He narrowed his eyes and read each and every word with utter most attention. As the clock ticked there is a pin drop silence while everyone rooted in their places shocked at what they are seeing.

Vanessa could feel her heart thumping loudly while her legs started to shook, never she have even dreamt that her niece would be able to retrieve the secret they buried deep in their hearts after destroying the evidences.

Mr. Brown, the marketing department director was stunned to his core. His mind is messed up and his heart is in deep daze even to differentiate whether it was a dream or unfortunate reality.