Don't fool around...

"Who support my decision can lift their hands, if I my decision is not favored we could talk the other way" though her words sounded like a convince, it is clearly a statement of dominance and a inevitable command.

After a partial minute of silence and anxiety almost eighty percent of the members lifted their hands in unison. After looking at their colleagues anticipating that their move is not a false expertise they sighed their fear out of the windows after looking at the majority of hands slightly shivered in the air.

Persons who stayed passive, looked at each other in horror with quivering eyes. Some of them who could no longer extend their guts to still support Vanessa slowly lifted their hands and averted their eyes from Vanessa's piercing gaze that would have killed them if glares could dagger the person to death.

Jean smirked inside and looked at the defeated face of Mr. Brown who had once blamed her for wrong accusation deliberately.