She died twenty five years back...

Meanwhile in the room…

"Old man, do you know who Jean is" Madam Black looked at him with gloomy face as her tears slowly made its way down her wrinkled and pale face.

"Of course, Lillian. She is the only child of my mortal enemy Jonathan Grey, a cheater and opportunist" his voice is full of hate and disgust.

"How can you prove that he is the one who cheated during that project. Didn't you ever think that he might have got framed" Madam Black asked him back annoyingly.

"Huh…so supportive. I don't need a proof" Elder Summer scoffed.

Lillian sighed and looked at the stubborn man in front of her. "Adam Grey, his own brother is the cheater. When you people challenged Jonathan. His brother Adam became overprotective of him and tried to cheat you."

"Jonathan confronted him in front of my husband. After the misunderstanding got cleared he took a promise from us not to reveal Adam's misdeeds. Later on he took the blame" Lillian/Madam Black said.