Great granddaughter in law...

"I just came to say this. Jean is daughter of your savior and Jonathan is not a cheater, he was a man with principles. Jean was raised by two perfect people and that is the reason why she is so special and exceptional. But she has gone through a lot by now, just don't make her suffer anymore. If you still feel that you owe Sophia then protect her daughter and pamper her with your genuine love" Lillian spoke and wheeled her out of the room.

Leaning him in full of guilt and shame. He will surely make this right…he must…

Next day…

He met Lillian again for breakfast. "Even if she is not Sophia's daughter I would have accepted her. But after knowing the truth about Jonathan, I am feeling guilty for judging him like that. Lillian, I promise you that I will take care of Jean as much as I care for my own grandchild. I will help you to protect her" he sincerely apologized.

Lillian smiled and nodded her head. After completing their breakfast they took a stroll around the garden.