Welcoming a new member into the family

Elder Summer and other elders attended for lunch meeting. Stephen, Steve and remaining people from Summers family are also present. After all Seline's wedding is the first in line of the younger generation. It is vital for them to attend.

Along with them whole Black's family and Jean are sitting. Jean is sitting in between Scott and Raymond, they looked like her bodyguards that no one dared to even ask why she was attending a family lunch.

Raymond behaving like this is not a surprise because they have seen how he knelt in front of her and apologized in press conference. But why is Scott acting too protective of her…they couldn't keep a finger on this matter but wait patiently.

As soon as Elder Summers entered the room everyone stood up in respect. He remained stoic like always but smiled widely at Jean. It is really a huge shock that others are flabbergasted by his sudden actions.