Our tastes resemble a lot

The next day Jean got ready early in the morning, though she slept late night her mind and body are refreshed. The previous day she had a long video call with all her friends and later she read the books Scott gifted her.

Shoving some of them into her backpack she looked the message sent by Enrick again. It is the time and venue where they will be meeting. As others are still asleep after a long and exhaustive preparation no one have seen her exiting the dorms.

After ten minutes of walk she reached the south block of admin block. A little far from there Enrick is leaning against the wall in his casual v neck t shirt and jeans. He looked so handsome and very charming, if it is any other girl she would have surely drooled over him. But for Jean…no one are more handsome than Scott.

Seeing her coming towards him Enrick Richards smiled and stood properly. "Hi" he said little awkwardly. He never talked with much girls let alone initiate talking with them .