I wish I had a rich brother like you

It is a group photo, probably taken on graduation day. She recognized Maria Valdez and two of the renowned doctors in it but what caught her attention is a young man with brown hair and chocolate eyes.

It is her uncle….Thomas. Elena's husband..

"Oh…it is on my mother's graduation party. They are her friends" Jeff explained. "Why?, do you know anyone from there" he asked curiously.

Enrick looked at his sister and whispered. "Might be Thomas. He is supposed to be a student of business management not a doctor" Jean is not yet aware of his past nor his hidden daughter. But he is..

"Grey's don't know yet.. " he said softly.

Iris nodded her head and looked at twins. Jeff is waiting for Jean to answer, his mother is deeply connected to some of the people in this picture but she have never talked about her friends nor her college life. So, naturally he is curious..