Press conference part 2


In the ancestral home of Summers

Everyone are too busy even to follow the news…it is Jean's birthday and also a big get together.

Jean is leaning on to Scott as she continued staring at her huge family. Never she have thought that one day she would be able to witness this scene… this birthday became very special to her…in a way she never expected.

But little she would have thought that this will be the same day they would reveal their relationship…

Scott is holding her tight in his embrace as one of his hand trailed over her spine…seeing her happy face his mood brightened up and his heart swelled with love and passion for her.

Just to worsen this delightful day, he got a call from Ethan. He knew Ethan would never disturb him on this day until unless it is about the assignment he gave to follow Sianna's each and every move, including her family members.