press conference part 3

"Do you remember what Scott said in his conference. His fiancée is studying in one of the prestigious university in abroad" he sounded confident.

His sister is not a medical student…but who can't forge a fake certificate and show it as a proof..

He opened the other slide in projector screen which showed that she studied in medical school in country B.

"If this proof not enough. Then we are also having other proof" his voice boomed across the room.

"You also remember Ms. Aria and how she is saved after revelation of her identity…it is my sister. We helped her with our political influence to land the private jet" he also added.

"If you want a well written proof then…"

Then he opened the written agreement between Elder Summers and Elder Sheldon. It is a marriage alliance between the families…

Others gasped and nodded their heads in approval...they never thought Summer's are such a people who would not stand on their words..