Welcoming Guests

After the encounter with Cassandra and her family, Raymond gritted his teeth. "What is wrong with you Jean. You are talking to that slut Huhhh…" he whispered.

"Ray, she don't want to share her secrets anymore with us" Seline pouted childishly. Her best friend and own twin got married long back yet they have never took initiative to speak about it. Of course she is hurt..

Jean shook her head and coaxed her best friend. "Sally, it is not like we don't want to. No one knows about it and this would cause a havoc if it is revealed. About Cassandra, she is helping me with her mother…that is secret" Jean whispered.

Scott and Raymond snapped their heads. "What! Are you out of your mind. How can you believe her Jean. It is insane" Raymond scoffed.

"I think she is scheming again Jean. It runs in her blood and don't forget who her mother is…she is vicious" Scott objected her idea.

"I don't think your decision to trust her is not right" Seline mumbled.