You didn't marry

At late afternoon...

The atmosphere is as lively as ever. The guests are busy in talking with each other and they constantly moved from one table to other meeting all their business partners.

All were in very happy mood to meet like this. Some have even found their childhood friends and are as delighted as ever. Some of them have started introducing their children to one another in a hope that they would start dating.

Meanwhile the 'power couple' are no where to be seen. Though most of the businessmen wanted to meet them but they haven't found them anywhere and later got to know that they are busy in preparing for wedding.

Maria who don't like socializing sat down in far corner and started sipping her wine.

"You haven't changed at all Maria" a person sat down across her.

She looked at him and sighed. She took a another sip a continued watching a small glass idol in front of her. Totally ignoring his presence..