This night is indeed going to be so long 2

This night is indeed going to be so long…

Jean whose head is almost in a blasting stage felt like she is crushed with another shock. 

First thing, Kiara just met Rick and Iris at her anniversary a week back. They are pure strangers before that. 

Though there are chances that they might have become friends, the way she called Rick is totally intimate and concerned. Moreover, how can she be so close to him that she is aware of where his secret mansion is.. 

But wait! On the first place, what is she doing in country X. Shouldn't she and Daniel be in country S Now… 

Even Kiara is shocked by seeing her best friend here…

"Hi Jean, hi Scott" she tried her level best to mask her nervousness. Being a good actor she did it pretty well. 

"Uhmm….I know you both are shocked to see me here." She laughed.