Bitter sweet relationship

After finding out that Rick's father is a member of council, Braxton's asked his mother to divorce him but she denied and got disowned by them. 

Later on Rick have never met Johann or his mother's family. Just five years back when his first uncle is rumored as murdered by council, Braxton's blamed Johann and banished him. They humiliated him and his second uncle killed his family. At least the council thought like that…

It is because his first uncle and Johann had a major misunderstandings just a few days before his kill. So the Braxton's thought that Johann helped the council. From then he is most wanted by this Braxton family. So according to Rick there is no chance Johann could reconcile with Braxton's. 

"Rick, what are you thinking. You spaced out" Hope shook his arm. 

Clearing his mind, Rick looked at Jean. Things are getting complicated and he wanted to tell her all about this. But this is not the right time(Author: You will later find out why)