Johann's wife

"Sir, even Jean Grey is going to attend the event. Should we plan something, it would be lot easier to erase her from this picture" his subordinate asked. 

Johann who is very busy in searching for the particular person frowned. "No, this is not a right time and place. You think Scott and Summers family would stay quiet even after what happened . I am sure the security around her is tightened. 

His subordinate nodded his head and kept quiet. It is very evident that his boss is not ready to risk in revealing his identity. 

But more importantly, he don't want to look bad and cruel in front of the lady boss. …

"Do you think she didn't come today? She might have known about my visit and…" Johann abruptly stopped as his eyes widely opened with disbelief. The person he is searching for is just in front of him now but with her back facing him.