Spying on Valdez's

Now, he had another mission so he didn't have any option but to come back. 

Not that he forcibly came to meet Lily but that pressure from second boss pushed him a little and here he is, standing in front of his wife whom he never dared to meet….

While he is drowning in both love and guilt, Mrs. Warren is fuming with anger….

He made her a widow though he is not dead. Fine the past is past, he came back now...but why is he acting all strange….

Not even a hug nor a kiss. He changed a lot…

After all it's been decades they met….

It is like they are almost like a strangers… 

"Lily, I know you are angry on me. I can understand…..but please give me a chance to explain myself. Love, I can't bear to loose you again. Even I missed you…" Johann(Victor) pleaded her. 

As for finding the suitable explanation he really went through a big deal….