Jean is a Valdez!!!

"I didn't call to disturb you guys. Just turn on the news and see" his mother softly said and ended the call. Scott frowned and looked at his wife who is sleeping very soundly. He just don't want to disturb her, so, he turned on the Tv and kept it in mute mode. But even that was enough for him to understand what is happening. 

In instant his heart started thumping louder and his muscles tensed up as a cold beads sweated on his forehead. This shouldn't happen but his worst nightmare came true....

Now, whole world knows Jean is a Valdez.... daughter of Sophia Valdez. 

Though they can rule it off by announcing it is not a truth, but at one or other day it has to be revealed.

 Jean is after all a Valdez....and it is the truth they can't deny anymore….

By now everyone would have seen this news and might be waiting for both the families to announce what the truth is….