Vanessa did this...

Soon Rick turned grim and gritted his teeth, he looked at his brother directly.

"This shouldn't be happening. Jean's relationship with Valdez's got exposed." He said.

The room suddenly turned very chilly and everyone started shivering. Hope who is totally strange to this side of big brother trembled and clutched Rick's hands. "What happened?" she whispered. 

"Something very terrible is going to happen Hope. You should never let your guard down anytime, all right" he worriedly said and hugging her tighter. 

He is worried about the consequences now… 

Sophia fooled this mighty Braxton's not once but many times…

"Ask special teams to reinforce Scott's teams, Jean should be under their watch every time.  Rick, I want to know every move of Johann from now on." his big brother said and he looked at his team who is trembling.

"Did you people find out who did this?" he asked "I want them in the base by today evening" he said.