Her parents house...

The very next day Jean woke up very early. She couldn't sleep at all because she is too excited. She felt like she is human version of Tangled…who was given freedom to go out after very long. 

Jean blinked her eyes and looked at her husband who is sleeping peacefully. She pecked his lips and gently freed herself from his embrace before going out to have some fresh air. 

She is very excited to go out and somehow she felt very funny about that. She is just going back to her old house and they are gonna stay there for one week. But that is very special for her… 

After finding out how important that house was for her parents, she started looking forward to go there and explore it even more. 

Though they bought that house from one of her mentor, he took a promise from them to not go to basement of the house. He said that it has some special things that belonged to the former owner of the house.