I missed you cutie...

"I want a kiss" Jasper pouted. He is much shorter than Jean and he is relatively shorter compared to other kids of his age. 

He is even called chubby because of his soft cheeks and teddy like body. As he barely go out of his room he eventually became fat. 

But who would have thought that he will become a prince charming in future and that everyone will be frightened of him because of his brain and background combined. 

"But she can't reach you" Scott teased. 

Jasper pouted and Jean chuckled. "Climb on to the table, I will give you as many as kisses you want" Jean pinched his cheeks. 

"Shorty" Scott teased again. This boy is really petty that he use to find out when Scott will be reaching the home. After he reaches his house to spend some time with his wife, it was exactly when he use to call his sister. 

He don't want Scott to have Jean all for himself. …