I am proud of you

After taking some rest, Jean and others went it to main mansion of Council leaders.  

They have never been to there and Jean is clearly excited. It is twice of her father's mansion and is very well protected in all the ways. 

"This is built only for council leaders…that means it is only for the second generation children. Except for you, Jeff and other girl everyone are here" Her father smiled affectionately at his daughter. 

"Another girl?" 

"Yeah…..her grandfather is Co council founder but he is dead now. After that she went back to China to her maternal family" Her father explained as he gently patted her back. 

"Will she come?" Jean asked. 

"No dear, she is just ten years now and after her parents died we decided not to drag her into this mess"

"Oh…sad" Jean pursed her lips and sighed. 

"That's all right. Let's go in… I want you to meet someone special" her father chuckled.