Edward Wright meets Jean

"I missed most of the main phase of your life Jean. I should have been there for you. When you are with Grey's….we let you suffer all those. Though I didn't wanted to let you suffer that much I was helpless. Including this, I know that I can't protect you every time. I had to let you face all those burdens all by yourself. I am so sorry" Julian couldn't help but feel sad. 

"But you helped me indirectly didn't you. You paved a path for me to retaliate but the last step was left for me. It was my choice…whether to choose to take revenge or to let it go. You helped me by establishing INA, you helped me by sending Thomas(Elena's husband) to protect me…..you did your best dad. There is no need to feel sad. What all you have did….that only made me more stronger. So, don't ever say those words again to me" Jean said.