Baby kicked

Jean couldn't help but gape. 

Why so many twists in one day… 

She will die with overloaded brain cells. 

Meanwhile Scott and Jeff just arrived and they are standing at door. They have witnessed everything Edward spoke. 

Scott couldn't help but massage his temples. Edward is the first person he hates most. To be exact he is his business rival Scott despise most. 

He even had an argument with his father just because he signed partnership with Edward Wright. 

But it turns out that he is his wife's elder cousin. That means Edward is his cousin in law!! 

Ahh!! This is very awkward and frustrating for him. 

"This is really surprising and shocking at the same time . To be honest I didn't like you much, but after finding the truth you are not that weirdo as I thought. You are okay" Jean chuckled slightly.