Iris is pregnant??

Before the wedding...

Scott and Jason are dressed identical and Jason is the ring bearer. As he is just six months old baby…his father accompanied him. 

The little hurricane just have to catch the rings… 

Jean is literally tired because of her two babies….her husband and her son. 

"Why are you guys tensed?" Jean asked as she came out of her room holding her son. They are now standing in front of Iris room. 

She got ready and dressed up her naughty son too. 

Today something wonderful happened. 

Her little son once saw his father untying his mamma's bathrobe sash. So, today he just mirrored his father and pulled the sash opened. 

Jean is really flabbergasted by it.. 

And she is angry on Scott too… 

He do all these stuff in front of their son too often and she believes that this is the reason her son is getting spoiled..